24 Oct 2010

Overview of monetary market from October 1 to 7

During the week from October 1 to 7, the total trading turnover in the interbank market reached approximately 171.265 trillion dong and $3.517 billion, averaging 28.544 trillion dong and $586 million per day, reported commercial banks.

In week, there were mainly short term transactions (overnight, one week and two weeks). Particularly, the total overnight trading turnover posted 60.51 trillion dong, accounting for 35 percent of the total trading turnover and $1.84 billion, accounting for 52 percent.

As for transactions in dong, the interbank average interest rate in week slipped by 0.02-0.25 percent for terms of less than one month and demand transactions while there were no transactions for 12 month term except some commercial joint stock banks lend finance companies at the lending rate of 7-9 percent. The interest rate for three month term increased slightly. The interest rate of terms of one month and six months increased by 0.33-0.54 percent.

The overnight average interest rate is now at 6.67 percent/year and it is over 11 percent for six month term while it is 10 percent for remaining terms.

During the week, the highest lending rate was 12 percent/year and the lowest level at 5 percent/year (excluding demand lending rate).

As for transactions in US dollar, the average interest rate in US dollar increased slightly by 0.1-0.35 percent pa in all terms. The interest rate of US dollar for six month term is now at 2.6 percent pa (increasing 1.26 percent).

According to the statistic, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) said that the dong deposit rate tends to decrease against the previous week. From October 1, some commercial joint stock banks such as Techcombank and DaiABank adjusted down the deposit rate by 0.05-0.1 percent/year in all terms.

Also in the week, the world gold price increased sharply causing heavy impacts on the domestic gold market. Thus, the central allows some enterprises and commercial banks to import gold to stabilise the market.

Regarding the dong/US dollar FX rate, SBV said it will continue keeping close watch on the market to issue measures for stabilising the market and controlling trade deficit.

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