26 Oct 2010

Thieves steal ginseng plants in Central Highlands

Thieves took away more than 1,000 ginseng plants from a garden in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum last Saturday night, local authorities said Monday.
They removed the five-year-old Ngoc Linh ginseng plants covering an area of 400 square meters in the garden which belongs to Dak To Agriculture-Forestry-Industry and Services Company.
Nguyen Van Binh, spokesman of the Kon Tum Province People’s Committee, said the committee had asked provincial police to investigate.
Last month thieves also removed 300 four-year-old ginseng plants in the garden.
The famous Ngoc Linh Ginseng, also known as Vietnamese ginseng, is a species of ginseng in the central region and the Central Highlands, especially in Mount Ngọc Linh in Dak To District, a mount its name deprives and in Tra My District of Quang Nam Province.
It is said to be a secret medicine of the Sedang ethnic group as a miraculous, life-saving plant drug used for the treatment of many serious diseases and for enhancing body strength in long journeys in high mountains.

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