24 Oct 2010

Citibank sees Vietnam as a promising potential market

Citibank can remain operational in Vietnam for 15 years, 50 years or even 150 years because Vietnam is a promising market, Brett Krause, CEO of Citibank in Vietnam, said at the opening ceremony of the bank’s retail service in Hanoi on October 15th.

In an interview with the press, Mr. Brett Krause and Mr. Shrish Apte, Citibank CEO in Asia-Pacific, expressed their optimism about the development of Citibank in Vietnam. 

As to selecting Vietnam as a place for Citibank’s new retail service at this time, Mr. Shirish Apte said that Vietnam was a suitable country with a large population and good GDP growth. With  its successful retail service in Ho Chi Minh City, the bank decided to open a new service Hanoi.

“We believe in the future of Vietnam and are determined to keep investing here”, said Mr. Shirish Apte, adding that “Vietnam is a promising market in the region and we pledge to promote our business in Vietnam”.

According to Mr. Brett Krause, in the coming months, Citibank will introduce more services and top-grade products, as well as open more transaction offices.

Introducing Citibank’s services in Hanoi, Mr. Shirish Apte pointed out that the newly-opened outlet was among a small number of Citibank’s “Smart Bank” branches of the new first generation in Asia. “We use electronic devices and touch-operated large screens, so that customers can find out any information related to Citibank’s services and products”, he said.

Citibank’s services target young customers who like using Iphones, facebook and hi-tech. “With this smart bank service, customers can make transactions at home and at our branches alike”, the regional CEO added.

He also introduced a service, “CityGold”, to manage individual assets.

Talking about potential of the retail market in Vietnam, he said that Vietnam was a new emerging retail market which opens opportunities for both “new and old investors” alike. Citibank thought that Vietnam had enough room for their success.

The CEO in Vietnam added that as the number of Vietnamese using bank services was low, accounting for around 20% of the population, opportunities are still there for Citibank.

As well, Citibank had a deep impression on development of the banking market in Vietnam, especially since Vietnam’s accession to WTO. The banking market in Vietnam has been growing rapidly and strongly. The environment in banking in Vietnam offers favorable conditions with incentives from the State Bank and the Government that creates a positive competitive atmosphere for banks.

Mr. Shirish Apte highly appreciated the Vietnamese Government’s right direction when concentrating on GDP and per capita income growth, investing in the infrastructure, as well as improving investment environment. 

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