3 Oct 2010

When “Made-in-Vietnam” is made in China

Some Chinese traders are using the trademark of “Made-in-Vietnam” on many of their products.
Many “Made-in-Vietnam” shops sell Chinese products (for illustration only)
The tag is being put on mostly garment, textile and footwear, in an effort to boost sales in Vietnam. The move is not only aimed at taking advantage of the brand’s fame but also a trick to deal with Vietnamese concerned agencies which are intensifying inspections on the label origins of goods.

Everyday, tons of Vietnamese-labeled Chinese products are exported to Vietnam through Tan Thanh border gate in the northern province of Lang Son. Afterwards, they will be transported to all localities across Vietnam, regardless of small shops or big trade centers.

Additionally, many small shops in Vietnam import Chinese goods and label them as “Made-in-Vietnam”. Without careful attention, customers cannot recognize the fraud due to the same design. However, Chinese products are often cheaper than Vietnamese ones.

Lots of Vietnamese producers order from China because of its flexible payment methods in order to save time because they often have to wait long in the cooperation with local partners. After that, they turn the Chinese goods into “Made-in-Vietnam” products.

The Market Management Department of Hanoi said concerned agencies have not focused enough to producers, transporters and traders who collude with one another for the product circulation in the market.

Some have said that Vietnam should take urgent action to fight against this cheat through the application of a consistent and comprehensive policy.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade said it dealt with nearly 41,000 violation cases related to counterfeit goods in the first half of this year.

A survey by the Vietnam Standard and Consumer Association indicated that up to 62% of Vietnamese consumers had bought imitation and substandard goods, but only a modest number of them lodged their complaints to the association.

Officials urged local customers to actively cooperate with concerned agencies to tackle bad quality and fake products, helping to protect the” Made-in-Vietnam” trademark.

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