24 Oct 2010

US dollar price climbs up to nearly 20,000 dong

The US dollar prices on the free market continued climbing up to the threshold of 19,970 dong late the afternoon of October 18. 

Meanwhile, local gold prices made its universe efforts to stay at the threshold of 33.1 million dong/tael, declining relatively despite international prices of gold increasing.

At 17 pm yesterday afternoon, the dollar price of a free market in Hanoi was traded up to 19,970 dong per dollar, up by 50 dong per dollar compared to the morning. Meanwhile, the US dollar purchase price was also increased faster, up to 19,930 dong per dollar, up by 40 dong compared to early the day.

Staff at a free currency exchange shop, said customers wanted to buy dollars in large quantities in the afternoon might have to wait because the market was falling into the shortage of dollars.

Since last week, the US dollar prices on the free market have been moving up again after about a week of quiet waves. With the boost from the rise on October 18's morning, as of late day, the dollar has appreciated further 110 dong/US dollar over the weekend.

Meanwhile, the ceiling rate was maximised for the trading band set by the State Bank of Vietnam, the US dollars sold by commercial banks continued to stand at 19,500 dong per dollar. Foreign currency purchase price was also being maintained at popular 19,480-19,490 dong per dollar.

"Hot" dollar price increase is considered as the reason for domestic gold price today to decrease less than the world price of gold. Thus, from the spot gold price that was cheaper than world prices converted to US dollars based on the free dollar prices, domestic gold prices on October 18 were more expensive.

At 17 pm October 18's afternoon, gold prices posted by jewelery businesses stayed at 33.1 million dong/tael (buy) and 33.15 million dong/tael (sell), an increase of 50 dong per tael compared with the morning. Gold price went agaist world prices on October 18's afternoon, while world gold prices plummeted further in the transactions in Europe.

In Hanoi, at 17 pm, Phu Quy SJC offered gold price at 33.1 million dong/tael (buy) and 33.16 million dong/tael (sell). In HCM City, the 17th price update at 16:25pm, Sacombank listed SBJ SBJ gold price at 33.1 million dong/tael (buy) and 33.16 million dong/tael (sell).

At 17 pm October 18 Vietnam time, spot gold prices in London stood below the $ 1,360/oz, down 10 US dollar compared to the closing price of the previous session in New York. Earlier, a time of gold fell more than 16 US dollar per ounce, about the $1,354/oz.

Facing the tension of the forex market, SBV Governor Nguyen Van Giau said: "At present, the central bank does not have any plan to adjust the exchange rate" as the dollar yesterday on the free market reached almost 20,000 dong per dollar.

According to Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper, in the coming days, the SBV will increase support for US dollars to relax the pressure from this problem, create better liquidity to the forex market.

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