3 Oct 2010

Si Ma Cai covered in red flowers everywhere

Going to the Si Ma Cai highland this season, tourists will be able to admire the beauty of the gorgeous red cotton tree flowers that nature kindly shared with the land in Lao Cai Province.

For ages, the people in Lao Cai in particular, and in the Northwestern region of Vietnam in general, have always treasured and adamantly protected the cotton trees (also known as "bombax ceiba") growing in the region. Perhaps, that is the reason why many great cotton trees still bloom every spring.

Lao Cai authorities have recently moved dozens of cotton trees from the highland to the side of Red River with the hope to restore the once famous land for its splendid beauty and cotton tree forest.

Below are some beautiful pictures that DTiNews was able to capture in Can Cau Commune, Si Ma Cai District.

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