22 Oct 2010

SHTP licenses two R&D projects

VietNamNet Bridge – Saigon Hi-Tech Park (SHTP) Management Board on Tuesday awarded two investment certificates for building Research and Development (R&D) facilities to two local firms in the park in District 9.

(From right) Le Thai Hy (2nd), head of SHTP management board, awards an investment certificate to TMA Solutions on Tuesday. (Photo: SGT)
(From right) Le Thai Hy (2nd), head of SHTP management board, awards an investment certificate to TMA Solutions on Tuesday. (Photo: SGT)
TMA Solutions, a giant software outsourcing company, will open its ICT research and development center in the park. The center will be located in SHTP’s Science City, which is the functional zone exclusively reserved for high-tech research and development, training and incubation activities.
With the total investment of US$5 million, TMA’s project will be divided into three phases of development, with three research laboratories on Data Network and New Generation Network (NGN), Embedded System and other new technologies closely following the global development trend.
Besides in-house R&D projects, TMA plans to set up joint ventures with both local and foreign partners such as Novitell (Denmark), Exceed Global (Australia), Astonis (U.S.) and Viettel (Vietnam) to do the R&D of new products, according to the park in a statement.
Established in 1997, TMA is now the largest company in HCMC and the second in Vietnam in terms of software services and solutions, technical services and ICT training. The company has more than 900 engineers, six laboratories and five overseas offices, and has recorded an annual growth rate of 50% during the last 13 years.
The other R&D project licensed on Tuesday is invested by the Southern Construction Materials Institute under of the Ministry of Construction. The VND30 billion project will research and develop new materials for construction in HCMC and the southern area.
SHTP is now home to 44 local and foreign hi-tech companies, with a total investment commitment of more than US$1.84 billion, creating more than 10,000 skilled jobs, contributing nearly US$640 million in export revenue to the city.
SHTP expects foreign and domestic investment capital flow this year to hit US$150 million. The park is focusing on attracting high-technology projects in microelectronics, IT, telecoms, research and development, and the service sector.

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