22 Oct 2010

Should students be allowed to use mobile phones?

VietNamNet Bridge – Educators all agree that students should not be allowed to use cell phones during lessons. They think that Vietnam’s education now attaches much importance to providing knowledge to students, while making light of moral education.

The recent case of a teacher of a gifted high school using rude words to revile a student has stirred up the public. People nowadays argue whether or not the teacher or the student, who first criticized the teacher, is at fault.

Most significantly, the words spoken by the teacher were recorded and posted on the Internet, which caught special attention. Many people think that students made a wise move to use a recording as proof against the teacher. Others believe this was impudent behaviour.

Tuoi tre newspaper conducted a small survey to find answers. They asked: “Do you think recording teachers’ words behind their back, no matter for what purposes, is 1/ unacceptable 2/ understandable 3/ acceptable, if students just record the words for themselves.

In reply, most educators have expressed the same viewpoint that students should not be allowed to record their teachers.

Instructor Nguyen Thi Tinh: Viet Thanh High School in HCM City

Many students think that they need to record teachers’ words during lessons, so that they can listen again at home, which can help them understand better. However, I think that there is no need to record teachers’ words, because they only give basic knowledge and guide lesson reviews. Besides, if students pay too much attention to recording, then they will miss necessary knowledge. Students will also rely too much on recorders.

Students and teachers should reach an agreement that if students are not satisfied with teachers, they can complain to the school’s board.

It is unacceptable to film and record teachers behind their back, even though students do it to use as proof to denounce wrongdoings.

Instructor L.T.H, Vo Truong Toan High School in HCM City

I would like to express my discontent at the teacher’s insults toward the student. In all cases, teachers must not lose their temper and they must behave in a way that sets a good example for students to follow.

In many cases, teachers meet difficulties in their personal lives and they go to classes in a bad mood, so they cannot control their passions in bad situations.

Students nowadays also lack necessary life skills. They have sudden and intense feelings sometimes. Teachers need to talk with students, face to face, in order to better understand.

I think that students must not be allowed to use recorders in classes, for any purposes. You can see that a lot of students still learn well and obtain high achievements without recording their teachers.

Instructor Nguyen Huu Thanh, Nguyen Du High School in HCM City

Teaching and learning nowadays proves different from many years ago. In my time, students did not have any tools to record teachers’ words, so if students or teachers were rude, people would easily forget.

In the past, students did not dare talk back to teachers. Students nowadays can assess teachers at any time.

I once read a blog of an excellent student, who wrote “I have never met such a teacher who is ignorant and cracked at the same time.”

Students can record teachers’ words to help review lessons. However, recordings should be seen as rude behaviour if used in retaliation.

I know many schools are still wavering between prohibiting or allowing students to use recorders or mobile phones. I think it is now the right time for schools to consider multimedia carefully. Another question that I want to raise is whether or not Vietnamese schools now only focus on providing knowledge, while making light of students’ moral education?

Source: Tuoi tre

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