13 Oct 2010

Party Central Committee to center development

The Party Central Committee's 13th plenum opened in the capital city yesterday to discuss the implementation of socio-economic development tasks, the country's next five-year plan (2011-15) and the personnel preparations for the upcoming 11th National Party Congress.
Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh asked the participants to analyse the subjective and objective causes leading to successes and weaknesses, particularly in the implementation of the six measures initiated by the Government.
Vietnam had set a target to become an industrialised nation by 2020, so the next five-year plan must lay a firm foundation for the country to achieve this target, said Manh.
The Party leader asked the plenum to discuss and create specific objectives, targets and key measures that will be included in the political report to be presented at the National Party Congress, which is slated for early next year.
The plenum would discuss for the first step the personnel preparations for the next Party Central Committee. The discussion would provide important input for the Committee's next plenum, which will host further discussion. The number, structure and requirements for candidates standing for election to the 11th Party Central Committee must be ensured, said Manh.
He emphasised that the candidates must have political firmness and stick to the principles of national independence and socialism, a prosperous people, a strong nation, democracy, equality and civilisation. They must have a strategic vision, intellect, innovative thought, creativity, fighting spirit and good morality. They must also be competent, respected by others and able to rally people around them and preserve unity within the Party.
At this meeting, the Committee will review the implementation of the Resolution from the 5th Plenum and discuss the conclusion of the Party Politburo's pilot project of not organising the People's Council at the district, precinct and ward levels. The number, structure and requirements for candidates standing for election to the 11th Party Central Committee must be ensured, said Manh. They must have a strategic vision, intellect, innovative thought, creativity, fighting spirit and good morality. They must also be competent, respected by others and able to rally people around them and preserve unity within the Party.
Manh took the occasion to congratulate Ha Noi on its 1,000th anniversary. He also expressed the Committee's sympathies for the flood victims in the country's central region.
He asked Party and Government leaders at all levels to exhibit their high sense of responsibility and do their best to create timely and effective measures to help people in the stricken areas to overcome their difficulties and stabilise their lives as soon as possible.

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