4 Oct 2010

Heavy rain threatens stability of dam and lives of locals in Ha Tinh

Heavy rains have resulted in a high risk of the dam in Huong Khe district breaking.
Ho Ho hydropower dam
Located in the central province of Ha Tinh, the dam in question puts the lives of many locals at risk.

The water level at the dam of Ho Ho power plant had risen by 1 metre to nearly 40 million cubic metres as of late October 3. The powerful flood current seemed to sweep away the dam, which is several hundreds metres long, and also caused landslides at the two banks of Ngan Sau River. 

At a meeting with provincial authorities on October 3 to seek protective measures for the dam, the Electricity of Vietnam Group (EVN), the plant's investor, said that breakdowns at the discharging gate were the major reason for the overflow. 

Blackouts and the lack of stand-by power generation measures have interrupted operation of the gates, leading to the overflow. Ho Ho power plant pledged to do its utmost to save the dam and even planned mine explosion. 

EVN managed to bring dynamite to the site to facilitate operation of the discharging system, hepling to lower the water level below the peak. 

The plant leaders have mobilized its workers to collect and clear drifting wood to prevent the dam collapse. They have also helped thousands of vulnerable households to safer places. 

Speaking to DTiNews, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Phuc Trach Commune, Huong Khe district, Tran Thi Ha said in worry that her commune could be swept away totally if the dam broke. 

Many other communes in the district were isolated with power cuts, disregarding communications to call on local residents to protect themselves. 

Frightening photos on the overflow of Ho Ho hydropower dam late October 3:
The fierce flood current attacking the dam 
Many local residents forced to seek shelter

Ho Ho dam viewed from a field 

Water overflowing through the dam peak

Problems at discharging gates blamed for the overflow 

The strong water current brought about landsides at the two banks of Ngan Sau River 

Many people watching the flood 

Water levels of Ngan Sau River were raised 

Many houses were flooded

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